12. Calculation of grand potential using thermodynamic integration¶
12.1. Theoretical backgrounds¶
Thermodynamic integration
See [TI].
[TI] | A van de Walle and M Asta, Modell. Simul. Mater. Sci. Eng. 10, 521 (2002). |
Low-temperature expansion for grand potential
See [LTE].
[LTE] | A F Kohan, P D Tepesch, G Ceder and C Wolverton, Comput. Mater. Sci. 9, 389 (1998). |
12.2. ti¶
- Calculating grand potential using semi-grand canonical MC and thermodynamic integration.
Input files
- TI.in
- path_data
- Free energy
- Grand potential
12.3. lte¶
- Estimating grand potential at a temperature and a chemical potential using the low temperature expansion.
- Available only for binary systems.
Input files
- Grand potential
12.4. TI.in¶
12.4.1. INITPOT tag¶
Value of grand-potential at the initial point of the path. When the temperature of the initial point of the path is 0 K, the grand potential at a finite temperature evaluated using the low-temperature expansion should be used. The initial point of the path should be set to the finite temperature.
- Default : 0
- Example : INITPOT = -0.016338475
12.5. LTE.in¶
Calculating the grand potential at T=100K and mu=0.0 using the low temperature expansion around T=0. The size of the stable structure at T=0 and mu=0.0 is the same as the size of the 2x2x2 expansion of UPOSCAR. The stable structure at T=0 and mu=0.0 is specified by POSCAR.
TEMP = 100
MU = 0.00
ISUB = 1
SPIN = 1 -1
NUCELL = 4 4 4
12.5.2. MU tag¶
Chemical potential for the low temperature expansion.
- Default : none
- Example : MU = 0.20
12.5.3. NUCELL tag¶
Low temperature expansion is performed using a supercell constructed by the NUCELL expansion of the unit cell. The grand potential calculated using the low temperature expansion converges as the supercell size increases.
- Default : none
- Example : NUCELL = 4 4 4
12.5.4. ISUB tag¶
Sublattice indexes for performing the CE. The CE is performed on ISUBth lattice sites of UPOSCAR (line 6).
- Default : 1
- Example : ISUB = 1 3
12.5.5. NUCELLPOSCAR tag¶
Number of unit cells included in POSCAR (initial structure).
- Default : none
- Example : NUCELLPOSCAR = 2 1 1
12.5.6. NAMEPOT tag, SPIN tag¶
Atom names and spin values for the atom names. Do not set spin values for atoms which are not used for the CE.
- Default : none
- Example : NAMEPOT = Mg Zn O
- Example : SPIN = 1 -1
In the above example, spin values for Mg and Zn are 1 and -1, respectively.